esmaspäev, 29. august 2016

Wir haben heute den lezten tag genossen. Heute ist die Estnische Gruppe gekommen. Wir sind alle zusammen in den See gesprungen. Danach haben wir gegrillt und Marchmellows gegessen. Heute waren ebenfalls die filmvorstellungen von unseren und von den filmen vom vorigen jahr. Der lezte tag in Viljandi und morgen gehts dann nach Tallinn. Joanna

Today was the last night here in Sammuli it was pretty cool because almost all of us jumeped in the lake. Randomly were girls from the boys dragged in the water and it was actuly pretty fun to watch also if you were unluckey you to were dragged in to the water. We also gave Mikk and Jaan Feedback how we liked it to Film and what we didnt like and after if we finised the Feedback we also gave Mikk and Jaan little gifts from us to them. In the ends of almost every camp i think that the people enyoy the last night.Henri

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