Today after breakfest we had a little feedback in our groups and then Piret`s husband Matthias visited us and he told us about the visit in the g´German embassy in Tallinn. After that he show us about the "Fishbowl". Than we work again on our movies. In the break it was so hot that w`e decide to jump in the cool water. We had a lot of fun.After the film work we joined the greek evening. At first was a great evening with a traditional greek dance and a game called "Omariam". It was nice! Alexandra, Cecilia)

Tänane päev oli suures osas üks suur filmimine ja selle vahel ujumine. Täna tundus õues soojem olema kui eelmise päeva õhtu saun, kus oli 50kraadi kanti. Kõik üritasid soojast ilmast viimast võtta kuigi filmidega oli palju vaeva vaja näha. (Norman)
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